Trust Set Up

Trust is set up mainly for asset protection purpose. It can also help you distribute the income among different class of beneficiaries.

We provide services to all types of trusts set up, including Discretionary (Family) Trust, Unit Trust - fixed, Unit Trust - non fixed and Hybrid trust.

Discretionary (Family) Trust is our most popular trust. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the set up FAQs for the trust in detail. Should you wish to discuss the set up of other type of trusts, you are more than welcome to contact our office. All types of trusts have the same price structure.

How much does the Discretionary (Family) Trust set up package cost?

Individual trustee(s) -

Our fee is $330 (GST inclusive) along with tax advice in regards to trust set up.

If you require a trust in which the beneficiaries have a fixed interest in the income or other trust property, or where the class of eligible beneficiaries is restricted (say, to only blood relatives of the named beneficiaries), then you must seek legal advice. Please let us know if you have this requirement when discuss with us.

Corporate trustee -

In addition to the fee quoted above, we will set up a company for you, and charge $180 (plus GST) service fee on top of mandatory ASIC lodgement fee that we will pay to ASIC on your behalf.

mandatory ASIC lodgement fee that we will pay to ASIC on your behalf.

Please note that all the documents are in electronic format. If you require hard copy, we will arrange printing, binding and mail post them to you for an extra $55.00 per document package.

Note that NSW State Revenue charge $500.00 for stamping a copy of trust deed. We are EDR agent that can help you stamp the deed on your behalf.